Manage your Conversions by Category
Quickly find and organize your conversions by filtering them by category.

You can use the category menu at the top of your screen near the search bar to filter conversions by category. Simply select the category you would like to focus on and all conversion within that category will appear in the results.

Manage your Conversions by Category
Quickly find and organize your conversions by filtering them by category.

You can use the category menu at the top of your screen near the search bar to filter conversions by category. Simply select the category you would like to focus on and all conversion within that category will appear in the results.

Manage your Conversions by Category
Quickly find and organize your conversions by filtering them by category.

You can use the category menu at the top of your screen near the search bar to filter conversions by category. Simply select the category you would like to focus on and all conversion within that category will appear in the results.
